Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Blog

My blog has moved to a new location! You can now find photos from sessions after 2011 here:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

K Kids

This past weekend I was able to sneak in photos of the K kids...Finally! We've been rescheduling for 2 months because the kids were cycling through various illnesses. But we caught them on a healthy weekend, and I'm so happy we did! Brody is one of my favorite, most expressive babies. I took his newborn and 3 month pictures, and now he's a big 6 month old. He still has the same wiley hair and hilarious expressions that I love! Big sister Aubrey is much more serious around the camera, but is so adorable and loving of her little brother. She kept bringing him more toys to play with. Thanks K family for letting me spend the morning with you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ava Newborn

Look at this beauty and all her hair! She is such a tiny little peanut and was a great Christmas present for her parents. She was so alert during our photoshoot at 9 days old. Thanks Katie and Paul for letting me visit!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ryanne Newborn

My cousin had her little baby girl while I was home for Christmas! I took big sister Alexis's newborn pictures at this time last year. Alexis and Ryanne look so similar as newborns...they even wore the same pink outfit!

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